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2003-08-15 - 10:47 a.m.

sweet-malice asked what I meant when I said I foster dogs.

In general, people who foster dogs take in homeless dogs temporarily and find homes for them. This can be as casual as picking up a dog off the street or as formal as working with an incorporated non-profit rescue organization.

I work with two rescue groups, Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training (GRREAT) and Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue.

For GRREAT, I do home visits, which means I visit the homes of people who want to adopt a dog from GRREAT. I make sure that their home is safe for a dog, and that they know what they're getting into by getting a Golden. I also answer any questions they have.

Almost Heaven is a much smaller rescue that specializes in older and special needs dogs, although they do get plenty of healthy young adults. I foster dogs for Almost Heaven, which means that I take in dogs that are given to them and evaluate them, train them, and love them until a home can be found for them. I also do some home visits.

Rescues get dogs in many ways. Most of the time, dogs come in through owner give-ups where the owner gives the dog directly to the rescue, or through pounds and shelters who call the rescue because the they don't have room, and the dog is scheduled to be put to sleep.

There are rescue organizations for almost every breed. Most breed rescues will take in mix breeds as long as the dog looks mostly like their breed. There are also rescues for all breeds. There are rescues for dogs, cats, rabbits, horses and most everything else.

If you want to see dogs (or cats or goats) that are available for adoption in your area, you can look at PetFinder. The Almost Heaven dogs are there. You can also look for rescues in your area if you want to get involved. Most rescues are desperate for volunteers to foster, do home visits, transport dogs, and do lots of smaller tasks. Most rescues are also desperate for money. You can donate money to GRREAT, Almost Heaven, or a rescue near you through PetFinder.

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