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n diary at! contact me older entries newest entrydelicate students - 2004-09-28

A reply to Mitten Quotes - 2004-09-12

a letter from Mitten Quotes - 2004-09-09

What is the main thing? - 2004-08-24

A return to my babbling form - 2004-08-21


2003-08-14 - 10:20 p.m.

Okay, seriously, I am having real difficulty with my archives and rings and all of that stuff.

I followed the directions, and weird things keep happening to my pages.

I don't get it!

Edited 20 minutes later to announce that I am an HTML moron, and I shouldn't be allowed to much about with the fine templates provided to me by the lovely people at diaryland. Grrr.

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