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A return to my babbling form - 2004-08-21


2003-08-13 - 12:34 p.m.

Yesterday I had a big bowl of pasta, just because I could.

Now, pre-Weight Watchers, it would have been made with garlic and olive oil and salt. Here in WW land, it was made with some butter buds and garlic and herb Mrs. Dash. I have serious salt issues, so I have to be careful. I know the butter buds aren't exactly salt free, but I'm not made of stone, I need a little.

I put broccoli in the pasta, because we must eat our vegetables. As it turns out, that was my only real veggie for the day. And I had only 1 dairy, which was the cheese on my Smart Ones pizza. Eh, not every day can be a stellar one. I did go over my points by one, but I had plenty of banked points, so it's not a big deal.

I still haven't added exercise. I'm sure I'll be better at that when I'm allowed to earn activity points. Of course, with the last minute house stuff, I have been getting some unofficial exercise, what with all of the lifting and up and down stairs.

My concern is that I'm not going to be as good next week as I am this week. I'm apt to fade off, and start sneaking in "one" of something and not writing it down because it's only one. Besides, we all know that food doesn't count if no one sees you eat it, right?

I don't think I'll slack off on meetings. DH will push for that. He's really supportive, and not in the "I'll love you more if you lose 10 pounds." kind of way. He knows I'm not happy at this size. Besides, I'm going to pay for meetings in advance, and you have to pay for the meetings you miss, so I would be wasting money if I don't go.

News from other fronts:

The old house is totally cleared out, and approved by the co-op, so we're set to go to settlement tomorrow. Finally.

Karma, the foster dog, hasn't had a seizure since yesterday afternoon. I think she's really done with the cluster.

I spend about half an hour on the phone last night with Karma's potential owner. He's really hyper. I'm sure they'll be a wonderful home. They'll give Karma everything she needs and more. But I am really glad I don't have to live with him. Odd quote from last night: "We don't go on vacation. I mean, I don't see the point of spending $2000 to go to someplace that's just going to make me depressed when I get home. I guess that sounds neurotic. Maybe its the half-jewish part of me."

Okay, huh? But he's going to love Karma and give her a good home, and she won't care if he babbles a bit. Click here to meet Karma and her friends

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